Saturday, February 2, 2008

1st day at Phuket

Basically, it was all about getting to Phuket on 3 different flights for the entire company. It was about 200+ people including those flying from Singapore. We had our Annual Dinner on the same day itself so that it will Free and Easy for everyone the next day. Here are just some of the pictures to show.

Officially I was supposed to dressed according to theme being in the committee but oh well, I didn't plus packed rather last minute. Theme was Nite of Colors, oh well.

Ballroom before the crowd comes in

Outside of ballroom

Finger food prepared

The committee

Ballroom filled with people


In a Tuk Tuk to Bangla Rd

Bangla Rd

Seduction Discotheque

The day ended with us visiting the famous (according to the caucasians we met in the evening itself. It is quite nice I must admit. At least u still see more decent real girls rather than tranvescites, a common scene in Thailand.

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