Friday, February 29, 2008

2008 Resolutions & Goals

I know I know it's already end February but I was thinking if I don't this sorted out, it will just be another year that pass by and I know that I'm maturing by the year :P

I may just change along the way and these are just some of my things that have been on my mind:

1) Lose Weight (trying to not NATO but Just Do It!). Start in Mar 08 & incorporate regular exercises
2) Time Management (less procrastination and apply Murphy's Law)
3) Get Organized
4) Diligently read the Lord's word (buy bible for fun only if I don't read)
5) No shopping! (impossible but must CUT down on luxurious items)
6) Find a Man! (I should put as Top Priority haha... just kidding!) If desperate, sure don't have one.
7) Clear Debts (try not to splurge unnecessarily, eat like a popper!)
8) Temper/Mood Swings (to lower and lessen it, else I may live to regret..)
9) Spend time with parents
10) Prioritisation (interlinks with No. 9)

I can't think of anything else coz overworked today and brain's kind of dead. Signing off....Nite!

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