Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Good Weekend Workout

Sat's training was HARDCORE after I've mentioned to my trainer that I had Kuey Teow the night before. Sigh, he keeps reminding as I train that I have only burnt away some part of the kuey teow's calories as I go. I shall NOT mention again hahahaha...Oh well, it was a great workout nonetheless.. Did quite a bit for the thighs and abs plus for the oblique this time round too.

Proceeded to class later in the afternoon. Not too sure why the traffic was SO BAD that I was actually 30 minutes for the FIRST TIME!! Oh well, I managed to replace only 15 minutes this week and will proceed with another 15 minutes the following week. Was tired as usual after 4 hours straight of teaching. Now a bit smarter, not going to use too much strength and feel lethargic before the end of the day.

Sunday was FATHER'S DAY and BRO'S BIRTHDAY!!!! I didn't spend much time looking for things therefore proceeded to give bro money to buy what he wants and on top of that, supposed or really purposed to treat dad for dinner. It turned out that dad paid for all hehe coz the place we had food does not accept credit card and it so happened that I've used up cash. It was utterly embarrasing. I told dad that I'll buy back dinner the next round. Anyways, his birthday is end of June so he will be getting the dinner soon hehe...

Well, Sunday morning till slightly pass afternoon was practise and training session. I really went all out for my Funky and lo and behold, I received a positive comment that I really had the power. HOWEVERRRRRRR, there's still the downsight of the comment. I need to go down on my weight a bit so it will be ligher and better for a competitor to dance. That's about all. Just dancing the weekend away.I'll come back to blog on the rest of the days later.

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