Sunday, November 11, 2007

Birthday weeeeee!!

It's mah burfday, my bird day, my besday! Yay!!! Got already some sms prior to sleeping. I knocked out not long past midnight despite knowing the fact that people will text to wish me. Got up feeling good knowing it's my day. Didn't exactly plan what to do except that I was looking forward to my dinner in the evening. Had Dim Sum breakfast with parents and granny at a new restaurant in the Business Centre area.

After that, did a bit of laundry and headed off to the gym for some workout knowing that I will eat loads! Did my RPM for the 1st time. It was seriouslyyyy difficult to pull thru the hour but I did! I did about 30 mins of cardio prior to the RPM and boy did my er a%# hurt. I really wonder how the trainers do it without feeling butt pain after that. On top of that, the trainer is a guy...go figure....

Supposed to have lunch with Peter who wanted to celebrate my birthday but oh well, too bad for the late breakfast and also that he had a meeting to attend to so decided against it. I came back from gym about 2+ and had a shower and rested a bit. I helped mum to finish the advertisement for Aunty Pat's as requested, Took me quite a while to compile. Almost done with pictures before leaving except the text part.

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