Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mad, tiring week

Unbelievable, it's 1:20am on a Friday and I just got home about 10 mins ago. I feel knackered due to lack of sleep the past whole week. Partly it's myself to blame as sometimes I stay up to blog as I've no time to catch up. Another it's work too so today, I am zonked out. Going to sleep soon. Wednesday's meeting was so so , Thursday's one was bad as our big boss was in such lousy mood and today, the one that I organized went really well. Tot it would take 1 hour and ended up longer.

I've been really busy preparing presentations for a top management guy coming from HQ and seriously making me drop all my executional stuff as well which is really annoying. Daily operational stuff is enough to kill you as it gets compounded if not looked into. It's another working weekend for me. Signing off, good night peeps!

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